Amazing Skin Benefits of Black Seed Oil

Today we will turn the pages of our traditional cures and find the lost plant, which is commonly known as the black seed.

Blackseed oil

Cure Your Skin Problems with Panacea

In ancient days, Egyptians used to refer the oil derived from black seeds as “panacea” meaning the cure for all problems and diseases. This herb is no stranger to the Romans who knew it as Greek coriander.

In the universe of plants, Black seed (Nigella sativa) is one of the strongest. This flowering plant is a rich source of all kinds of nutrition you can probably imagine. For all those who believe in prophecies of ancient scholars, Prophet Mohammad had once mentioned black seeds to have a key to all treatments. This was when the seed got itself an Arabic name, in English literature that can be explained as the blessed seed.

Modern researchers locked up in the laboratories are still decoding the medicinal prospects of this ‘sorcerer’s plant’, a key to healthy life. If the seed is blessed or it’s us who can benefit from the magic power of the seed, remains for us to see. Antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-bronchial, and an agent for boosting immunity– Black seed consists all of these qualities. Thus, it is one of the best natural products for treating skin diseases.

Cleopatra’s Beauty Secret

Cleopatra is famed to be the most beautiful Egyptian queen of all times. Well, that is no surprise as her personal collection of beauty products includes black seed oil. Vitamins like vitamin A, B and C along with elements like zinc, magnesium, potassium and calcium are present in the black seeds. Also, it consists of 15 different essential and non-essential amino acids are present in the black seed oil along with many other nutrients. This consortium of nutrients helps the skin to recover and repair itself in case of injuries. It also rejuvenates skin cells and helps your skin stay fresh and glowing.

Itchy Red Eczema – Bid it a Goodbye Now With Black Seed Oil

If you have been prescribed to use skin care creams to cure eczema, it is not the only solution. Black seeds have fatty acids like linoleic acid, oleic acid and many more which makes it a perfect anti- greasy moisturizer. Eczema is a condition that is identified as dry, itchy red skin patches. One of the cures for eczema is to use a moisturizer that contains the right ingredients. However, applying black seeds oil on those spots also helps, and you can see the difference with each passing day.

If you’re looking for better results, do not forget to use our Orogold products. Formulated using the best skin care ingredients, Orogold products can help you achieve better looking skin.